"From Vision to Idea" Research Presentation at 25th IPDMC in Portugal

03/06/2018 17:34

From Vision to Idea: The Cognitive Process of Vision-Driven Idea Development 



6月10日〜13日に、Portugalにて開催される25th Innovation and Product Development Management Conferenceにて、上記のテーマで研究報告をさせて頂きました添付はそのプレゼンテーション資料です。当日プレゼンテーションをお聞き頂きました方々には心よりお礼申し上げます。ありがとうございました。

I presented the title research at 25th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference held in Portugal from June 10th to 13th. The attached is the presentation material. Thank you for those who joined my presentation. I truly appreciate your help.
